How to say and use numbers
Hey, guys! Want to know how to say and use numbers correctly in English? Numbers such as one, five, eleven, two hundred are cardinal numbers. We most commonly use cardinal numbers as determiners (before nouns). When we use them in this way, we can use other determiners such as articles (a/an, the) and possessives (my, your) in front of them. We can use cardinal numbers + of before determiners (one of my friends):
She loves animals and has two dogs, three cats and one rabbit.
My two best friends are Amy and Louise.
Three of his colleagues were sacked yesterday. (sacked = lost their jobs)
We also use cardinal numbers as nouns:
The children arrived in twos and threes.
We normally say a hundred, a thousand, a million. We only say one hundred, one thousand and one million when we want to emphasise the number:
What would you do if you won a million euros? (preferred to one million euros)
The city is about a hundred kilometres from the capital.
Numbers such as 100, 200, 1,000, etc. do not take a plural –s when we use them as determiners:
There were about two hundred people at the meeting.
There were about two hundreds people…
However, we use the plural forms hundreds, thousands, millions + of + noun to refer to large, non-specific numbers:
It’s happened hundreds of times.
Millions of people live in poverty.
For millions, say a number up to 999 followed by “million.” Finish by saying first the thousands and then the hundreds when applicable:
For even larger numbers, first use billions and then trillions in a similar manner to millions:
Large numbers are often rounded to the next biggest or next smallest number to make things easier. For example, 345,987,650 is rounded to 350,000,000.
Speak decimals as the number followed by “point.” Next, say each number beyond the point individually:
Say percentages as the number followed by “percent:”
Say the top number as a cardinal number, followed by the ordinal number + “s:”
Exceptions to this rule are:
Read numbers together with fractions by first stating the number followed by “and” and then the fraction:
Here is how to say a number of important numerical expressions in English.
Hope now you can express with confidence when taking about numbers! Go on learning about the Use of English and about passing your First Certificate Exam with flying colors!
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