25 Houses Collocations in Context
Read carefully this text where you will find 25 houses collocations in context and then complete the quiz.
On Vacation
I recently spent a month on vacation – but instead of staying in a hotel, I looked for a short-term rental (a place to live that can be rented for a short period of time). I ended up sharing a two-bedroom apartment. That’s an apartment with two bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen – with some friends. It was actually cheaper than renting a studio apartment (an apartment with only one big room) all by myself.
The apartment was on the top floor of a five-story building (that’s a building with five floors) and it had a balcony overlooking the ocean (that means you can see the ocean from the balcony). From the roof, we also had a nice view of the city skyline (this is another expression used when you can see something from a certain place).
The apartment had recently been remodeled/renovated – meaning it was fixed up and improved – and was fully furnished, so it already had furniture (beds, tables, etc.) and appliances (refrigerator, stove, etc.)
We loved the spacious living room (the room was big), but unfortunately the bedrooms were rather cramped (small and uncomfortable). It was nice to spend a month there, but by the end of the trip I started to feel homesick – that’s when you feel sad because you miss your life at home.
A place of my own
I’d really like to have a place of my own so that I’m not throwing away money on rent every month, but there’s a real shortage of affordable housing (houses/apartments that are reasonably priced) in my city. Even if I stay away from the upscale neighborhoods (areas where rich people live), I’d still have to take out a mortgage (borrow money from the bank, in order to buy a house) and it’ll take me more than 30 years to pay it off.
But still, I’m gonna start saving up for a down payment (an initial payment on a big purchase). Someday, when I do move into a new place, I’ll be sure to throw a housewarming party (a party to celebrate living in a new house/apartment).
Do you know any other collocation or expression related to family? Share with us!… and keep on task learning more collocations in context or 25 more relationship collocations in context!

Complete the following quiz with the right houses collocation in context:
1. Her father paid the affordable / down / studio payment on her apartment.
2. I can’t stand living with my parents; I need a place of my independent / own / short-term.
3. I hope the apartment is decorated / furnished / upscale, because I can’t afford to buy appliances.
4. I was having so much fun during my semester abroad that I didn’t feel cramped / homesick / housewarm at all.
5. It’s a ten- level / room / story building with two elevators.
6. My bedroom window overlooks / oversees / overviews the mountains.
7. My parents finished paying off their borrow / budget / mortgage after 25 years.
8. This weekend I’m helping my cousin change / move / turn into his new place.
9. We’re going to need a more short-term / spacious/widespread apartment now that we’re going to have a baby.
10. We’re regenerating / rejuvenating / remodeling the bathroom, so you’ll have to use the one on the second floor.
Hope now you can use houses collocations with confidence! Go on learning about the Use of English and about passing your First Certificate Exam with flying colors!
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To keep on improving your speaking skills, have a look at this post on savvy synonyms for overused words in speaking.
Answer Key
Complete the following quiz with the right houses collocation in context:
1. Her father paid the down payment on her apartment.
2. I can’t stand living with my parents; I need a place of my own.
3. I hope the apartment is furnished, because I can’t afford to buy appliances.
4. I was having so much fun during my semester abroad that I didn’t feel homesick at all.
5. It’s a ten- story building with two elevators.
6. My bedroom window overlooks the mountains.
7. My parents finished paying off their mortgage after 25 years.
8. This weekend I’m helping my cousin move into his new place.
9. We’re going to need a more spacious apartment now that we’re going to have a baby.
10. We’re remodeling the bathroom, so you’ll have to use the one on the second floor.
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